Month: March 2007


Last night, at the water torture facility at Mosney, Sheikhin' Stevens admitted to all his foul crimes, including the terrorist attacks on America of September 11, 2001, the Bali bombing, the Madrid bombing and the July 7 bombings in London. "I did it all," he said in a statement issued to the press by his jailers. "I did your seplember elementh whatever it was! I also did Pearl Harbour hee hee ha ha. I was the Zodiac Killer too. It was I who assassinated JFK from the Grassy Knoll, letting the infidel Oswald take the fall. I also assassinated RFK, MLK, Special K and John Lennon. I killed Bambi. I shot J.R. I murdered the chauffeur in The Big Sleep. I was the Third Man. I am Keyser Soze. I have links with the international bourgeousie under comrade Trotsky. I frightened Miss Muffet away. I tempted Eve in the Garden...