Month: June 2011

Dead spiderman, facedown in a canal, Amsterdam

Dead spiderman, facedown in a canal, Amsterdam By Pieter van de Park Amsterdam, June 22nd 2011 -- Authorities are investigating after well-known superhero Spiderman was found face down in an Amsterdam Canal this morning. A man, yet to be named, but said to be the proprietor of local 'coffee shop' The Green Goblin, is currently being questioned. Unconfirmed reports of an all-night skunk binge are thought to have led to the American superhero's demise. Amsterdam's mayor, Eberhard van der Laan, staunch defender of the low-lying city's cannabis-selling cafes, currently fighting a nationwide push to restrict tourist access to drugs said: "The mind-opening products available in Amsterdam are to be treated with caution and are to be enjoyed responsibly. It's altogether possible that spiderman thought that as a superhero, he was immune to the effects of superskunk. It's a sad state of affairs. Our thoughts are with the family... and arachnids...