Month: January 2011

The Cross at Collioure

The Cross at Collioure, originally uploaded by Dave Walsh Photography. Crucifixion? Yes. Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each. Man praying at a crucifix beside the Mediterranean in Collioure, Pyrenees-Orientales, in the Roussillon province in the South of France.


The Four Solaire d'Odeillo giant solar furnace, at the PROMES laboratory at the CNRS facility at Odeillo, France. By focussing intense sunlight through a system mirrors, the Four Solaire can generate the power of 10,000 suns (1000 kilowatts) and reached temperatures of over 3000 degrees Celcius. Most of the research work here concerns the conversion, storage and transportation of energy.

Dolly and Monkey

Dolly and Monkey - vintage hairdressing dummy and cuddly toy. She seems full of herself. Monkey is unimpressed, and maybe a little worse for wear. This mage can be licensed via Millennium Images. Contact me for more details, or email For prints, contact me, or click "add to cart" to some standard print options. Dolly and Monkey, originally uploaded by Dave Walsh Photography. Dolly and Monkey - vintage hairdressing dummy and cuddly toy. She seems full of herself. Monkey is unimpressed, and maybe a little worse for wear.

Electricity wires

Sunlight falls on electrical transmission cables in a valley near the village of Py, in the Eastern Pyrenees, France. Abstract ideas - electrical energy is synonymous with lighting homes; in this case, solar energy is falling on electrical cables containing a current probably generated by non-renewable means. This mage can be licensed via Millennium Images. Contact me for more details, or email For prints, contact me, or click "add to cart" to some standard print options. Electricity wires cables: Bringing Light, by Dave Walsh Photography.