Month: December 1998

In last week's Blather, a casual and fairly open-minded mention was made of the skywatch (or UFO watch) which was to take place in Lough Key Forest Park, Roscommon, on December 14th. Blather also made sure to point out the *second* apparent coincidence of a ufological skywatch - organised by an *astronomer*, Eamon Ansbro of PEIR (Programme for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence) - with an annual astronomical highlight - the Geminid meteor shower (7th-16th Dec), which had peaked the night before. Mr. Ansbro had provided us with the details of the skywatch a few days beforehand, during a phone conversation. He asked if Blather would be making an appearance there - we declined the invitation, enquiring instead about any PEIR or ICUFOS (Irish Centre for UFO Studies) skywatches taking place around Dublin on that night. Mr. Ansbro informed us that no such event was taking place other than the Roscommon one. Monday...

Two weeks ago, Blather gave mention of Dr. Franklin Ruehl's claims of extraterrestrial involvement in the malfunction of NASA's Deep Space 1 probe. Dr. Ruehl wrote Blather an interesting letter in response, and so we have decided to share our rather gentlemanly argument with the readership, with Blather as Devil's Advocate. +The Doctor and the Devil+ According to the biography that he has passed to Blather, Dr. Ruehl holds a Ph.D. in theoretical nuclear physics (UCLA), has a weekly column *Ruehl's Riddles* in the *Sun* supermarket tabloid, and has published some 1,687 technical papers and popular articles. He lectures regularly before various colleges, organizations, aerospace firms (such as Hughes, Lockheed, and Aerojet), and at expos (such as the Whole Life Expo) and conventions (such as the Babylon 5 Con). His TV program *Mysteries From Beyond The Other Dominion*, was one of the four original series to debut on the Sci-Fi...

It comes as something of a surprise to hear that apparitions of The Devil have been claimed in one's own extended (if former) neighbourhood - at least according to *The Echo* newspaper, published in Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford in September 1987. Mind you, the article in question, which made page 1, did itself seem fueled with a considerable amount of Devilment. +Lucifer in the Lav+ The "gentleman with a worldwide reputation since the dawn of civilisation" had first come to public notice after reportedly bothering a certain young Michael Kennedy of Craan, Bree, while he was visiting the Gents in a certain public house, in Davidstown, Co. Wexford (*not* 'near Waterford') as Michael Goss wrote, in *Fortean Times* (FT50:19). Kennedy apparently exited the toilets after "a most ferocious rumpus", having seen Satan "in full regalia". Mr. Kennedy wasn't available to comment to *The Echo*. However his father said it was all...