Month: June 2000
‘…time is just memory mixed with desire’
De Selby, Hunter S. Thompson, Irish UFOs and more! '...time is just memory mixed with desire' - *The Part You Throw Away*, Tom Waits IRELAND AND ECHELON Irish magazine *The Phoenix*, May 5, 2000, Vol. 18 No. 9, Pgs 20-21, published an article on Ireland's connections to the global spy business: 'The abolition of Ireland's neutral status has been accelerated by a secret agreement with the American and British governments - without even a nod in the direction of the Oireachtas or the Irish public - to join a state-of-the-art, global telecommunications spying apparatus. This is revealed in a special European comission report on the Anglo-American integrated, world-wide network of electronic initelligence collection platforms (120 satellites and ground stations) code-named ECHELON. It produces military, political and economic intelligence by intercepting telecommunications and clandestinely plundering computer files.' Read the rest of the article at: Ireland joins Echelon BLEDDY UFOS One of...