The last resting place of Egypt’s most mysterious Queen may have been found…
Nefertiti, the almost mythical Egyptian Queen and legendary beauty is one of the greatest of all historical enigmas. Born a commoner but married to one of the most powerful men in the world (the heretic pharaoh Akenhaten), the whereabouts of her remains has been a matter of mystery, acrimonious discussion and flight of fancy. But now, it finally appears she may have been found.
In order to understand why she has remained invisible for such a long time, you must understand the political machinations of her time. All evidence of her, her husband and children was systematically erased from the historical record after the fall of the Amarna period. This led to a giant void in the historical records which was only filled in the 19th century by the great archaeologist Flinders Petrie.
Xograph Imaging Systems, a company from Tetbury in England, travelled to the valley of the Kings with a team from the Discovery Channel to x-ray several bodies in a hidden chamber. The results are dramatic. It would seem that evidence has emerged that one of these previously unidentified mummies may be the lost Queen. The tomb in question is KV35. This article on the BBC details the finds.
This is, if it can be verified, a staggering find for the world of archaeology, comparable with the discovery of the tomb of Nefertiti’s son (or grandson depending on who you ask) Tutankhamun. We’ll bring you more when we hear it.