The adventures of Jasper the time travelling cat (Volume 1. Episode 1)
Volume 1. Episode 1. How it all began... As we reported in a previous issue of Shitegeist, we...
Time Travel
Blather goes surfing through the mists of time. Kind of... Well, in the interests of science (and staving...
Spacebeagle: Mission to Mars
You know, if I didn?t know better, I?d say I was feeling good? Finally, some good news. Yesterday...
Steven Shainberg’s ‘Secretary’
Wonderful, touching and inventive. Get and see it. Secretary is a gem. An absolute gem of a movie....
Raven Watch
Meet the Raven. One serious bird. Around four years ago I was just about to sit myself down...
“Who ye gonna call boi?”
Oddly enough, trying to put together a list of suitably haunted houses/breweries is proving to be quite doggedly...
Blather Paranormal Investigators Inc.
Is your PC possessed by a malevolent imp? Is your kettle making vile, satanic suggestions to you? Do...
The Bilderberg group ride again
According to some rather cryptic reports that are washing around on the web, the nefarious Bilderberg group are...
Let’s Get Spiritual, Spiritual: Spirits in the material world
At about 6 PM on a cold January Sunday, I hastened past the remains of the recently collapsed...
Attack Of The Clones
Why are manufactured boy bands and girl bands so utterly objectionable? Why do they gall us so much?...