Wheelie bins of the apocalypse
Sent in from our western correspondent' (a.k.a. Sue) There have been many incredible developments in the rain swept...
The dead are coming to dance in Dublin
Guess who's coming to town? Finally, thankfully, mercifully, Dead Can Dance have announced their tour dates for the...
The Haunting (part 2)
Blather correspondent Lyra updates us on more weird stuff in her house The house has been quiet the...
Nipplegate and Janet Jackson
The final word from guest writer Ian Nicoll. Now the FCC won't let me be or let me...
The Prez 2004: Open Up a Can o’ Kerry
From our man in the States, Alex DeJong. For me, John Kerry is like a wonderful, shiny can...
The Prez 2004: Is John Kerry ‘The dude’?
Our new regular look at the fight for the Oval Office by our man in the States, Alex...
The adventures of Jasper the dimension-hopping archaeological cat (Volume 3, Episode 2)
He's back. Kind of... First things first: our apologies for the notable absence of reportage on the black-hole...
The Cold War is Over
'Bring on the heatwave....' by guest writer Katja Oestreicher Kyoto Since the USA refused to sign the Kyoto...
Whatever happened to Withnail? (update)
"...even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day..." For reasons more complex than Withnail's urine...
Welcome to the Pleasuredome: the pornography of war
Naked bodies, smiling soldiers, sexual humiliation and the random slaughter of civilians, all in the name of freedom...