The Return of The King: The enigma of Roy Keane…
National hero or national disgrace? War in Japan Roy Keane - Photo: Shane Whelan, I can still...
Gadaffy Duck pimps his ass
Hmm. So Tony is to be seen shaking hands with a former enemy of the War on TerrorISM......
‘Proud to be Canadian’ by Alex DeJong
Guest Writer Alex DeJong gets some stuff off his chest.... Proud to be Canadian This past month in...
David Norris for President? (update#1)
Here and now, I am going to nail my colours to the mast. There is only one man...
The 25th Hour
It's not often that we indulge ourselves in movie reviews here on Blather. Especially for movies that are...
Nasa finds Planet X
For once Jasper has been beaten to it... The object has been named Sedna, after the Inuit goddess...
15M – the re-taking of Spain
Spain is smiling... I have been out all last night. I'm dying. I've been drinking, laughing, listening to...
11M – The Bombing of Madrid
Spain is bleeding... Today, it is difficult to write or speak with any degree of dispassion. The events...
Bill Hicks
On February 26 1994, William Melvin Hicks, better known as Bill, the man who I consider to be...
‘A Pound of Paper’ by John Baxter
An uproarious, delightful series of confession by a book addict Brimming with Nick Hornby nerdness, John Baxter's book...