Drunk and Stoned
“Don’t Speak With Your Mouth Full of Shite”
"Don't Speak With Your Mouth Full of SHITE" - by photographer lurking in the toilets of the George...
Irish Round Towers Go Radio Gah Gah
Every now and then, the Internet brings forth startling discoveries and staggering examples of original research bordering on...
Psychic Piracy [Part 3]
(image by Lazlo-photo, used under a Creative Commons sharealike license) Gyrarr. Yarrr. Etc. Etc. Dr. David Luke returns...
How To Drink Absinthe
Absinthe glass in Marsella Bar, Barcelona » Dave finally gets his finger out, and publishes an article on...
Lollipops! Vodka & Insects
These gifts were presented to me by Agent F, who said ' ' know only one man in...
Alcohol effect lingers on brain
Alcohol impairs the functioning of the brain for longer than previously thought, research suggests. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3023495.stm Alcohol effect lingers...
Alfred Jarry: Absinthe, Bicycles and Merdre
'Merdre' - Pere Ubu, Ubu Roi And so Pere Ubu issued the very word that the finally threw...