Fortean Phenomena
Blather on TV Again: The Search for the Serpent (Seljord, Norway)
Me? The 23th Duke of Blather? Here? On RTE Network 2? At 8pm on a Monday Evening? What...
Fortean Falls: Ice From The Sky, And Global Warming
Weird rains of toads, fish, blood, straw, sand etc. are well-documented. But are falls of large ice chunks...
The Centre for Fortean Zoology: Jon Downes Interview – Cryptozoology, The Owlman and Other Monsters…
Dave Walsh talks to the Director the of the CFZ about Owlman and other mystery creatures You've got...
Paranormal Activity In Trinity College, Dublin?
An urgent request, as found on a messageboard in Trinity College Dublin by Blather's intrepid 'Agent F'. All...
The Blather Moving Statues Xmas Appeal
We need your help. No, honestly... A recent Shitegeist entry deals with the apparent resurgence of a very...
Bleedin’ Statues!
Padre Pio statue weeping blood. Apparently... In the southern Italian town of Brancaleone, a red liquid is appaarently...
Bolick Naked
Definitely my favourite news story of the month... or even year? Definitely my favourite news story of the...
Charles Fort: Scientist or Humorist?
He coined the word 'teleport'... the X-Files is a direct descendent, and where would Fortean Times be without...
Update! Big Cat Sightings in Ireland? Puma or some other big cat?
Big cats loose in the Irish countryside! *ABC=Alien Big Cat, i.e. out of place animal. Scroll down for...