The adventures of Jasper the time travelling cat (Volume 1. Episode 2)
Volume 1. Episode 2. The intrepid moggy makes contact. From Ancient Egypt... Well cover me in kitty litter...
Invasion of the Jellyfish
Wexford, Cornwall, taken over by bags of goo... Tens of thousands of jellyfish-like creatures have washed up on...
The adventures of Jasper the time travelling cat (Volume 1. Episode 1)
Volume 1. Episode 1. How it all began... As we reported in a previous issue of Shitegeist, we...
Time Travel
Blather goes surfing through the mists of time. Kind of... Well, in the interests of science (and staving...
SARS: Cats From Outer Space
The virus is from space... or cats? Ok, in the news today, we have Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, of...
Obeee doo, I wanna be like youhoohoo
We're more like chimps than chimps would like to admit. From New Scientist The latest twist in the...
The Bilderberg group ride again
According to some rather cryptic reports that are washing around on the web, the nefarious Bilderberg group are...
Super Sargasso Surfin’
After spending any reasonable amount of time recording and cataloguing the odder aspects of daily life on this...