The adventures of Jasper the dimension-hopping archaeological cat (Volume 3, Episode 2)
He's back. Kind of... First things first: our apologies for the notable absence of reportage on the black-hole...
Nasa finds Planet X
For once Jasper has been beaten to it... The object has been named Sedna, after the Inuit goddess...
The adventures of Jasper the dimension-hopping archaeological cat (Volume 3, Episode 1)
Jasper, it would appear, has found his way back to Earth. And has been up to no good......
The further adventures of Jasper the space/time travelling cat (Volume 2. Episode 3)
Jasper meets a chinaman. In space. Further to our previous reports regarding Jasper's interstellar amblings, we (and indeed...
The further adventures of Jasper the space/time travelling cat (Volume 2. Episode 2)
Volume 2. Episode 2. Jasper goes to Jupiter. As you do... Well now. Having had a quick jaunt...
The further adventures of Jasper the time travelling cat (Volume 2. Episode 1)
Volume 2. Episode 1.... A crackle and a splurt. A hiss and a wheeze. A whine and a...
The adventures of Jasper the time travelling cat (Volume 1. Episode 8)
Volume 1. Episode 8. Hope. We had almost given up hope... Indeed, so deep was our despair at...
Blather Special! The adventures of Jasper the time travelling cat explained…
So. You wanna know how it works eh? Funny, so do we... A number of you have been...
The adventures of Jasper the time travelling cat (Volume 1. Episode 7)
Volume 1. Episode 7. Jasper goes to Italy. And sees another Meteor. Or maybe it was a sign...
The adventures of Jasper the time traveling cat (Volume 1. Episode 6)
Volume 1. Episode 6. Jasper gets medieval on yo ass. Yesterday, we thought that Jasper was getting closer...