Angry Dreams
Occasionally I have dreams during which I get extremely angry with people whom I feel no anger to...
Dave out to Sea again!
I'm off out to the high seas again, on the Greenpeace ship, the Esperanza. I'll be working as...
Julian H. Cope says the web is a real dead loss …
ro_G is a big Julian Cope fan. Julian disses the internet in favour of books made out of...
Ireland and Genetic Modification of Food
That bloody Fianna Fail government are lobbying for GM Food. The hoors... I don't care what anyone says,...
Alfred Korzybski: Science and Sanity online
As the man said - 'The map is not the territory'... The entire text of Alfred Korzybski's Science...
Strange Attractor Journal One
Friends of Blather: March 2004 sees the release of Strange Attractor Journal One, the first in an irregular...
Blather & The Reverend Al Sharpton
Weird. Why is US presidential candidate Rev. Al Sharpton linking to Bizarre. While obsessing over my webstats...
The Ark of the Covenant in Tara? Apparently.
Jesus Christ! Moses! In Tara! Co. Meath! Who would have thought it? What a fright for a Tuesday!...
The Chap: Sartorial Anarchy
A publication devoted to dressing well, quality drinking, pipe smoking, and supreme decadence. Welcome to the cult of...
GooglePrudery: Booted for Dissing Dubya
It's official: We're Too Hot For Google. has been suspended by Google Adwords for having 'Unacceptable Content'....