Year: 2007
Snow, Trees, Mountains
<img src="" width="300" height="225" border="0" Here's a picture of a 12th century building for drying food. I showed...
More Statistics
"Not Quite the Best", reported Aftenposten in an online English-language article. It's all over for Norway and the...
A Farewell to Beamish (part two)
Friday. The first of a million nights in. The start of winter in Oslo; minus one degree according...
A Farewell to Beamish
About a year ago, when it became inevitable that I would take a larger role in running our...
GNP versus Life Expectancy
Gross national product (GNP) per capita, to use the Wikipedia definition, "is the dollar value of a country's...
Hanna er savnet (Hanna is missing) (updated)
This came by email last night; I've been asked to spread this. It's a missing girl in Norway,...
Norwegian Lesson
In order to improve my Norwegian, I've been translating some common English words and phrases for myself. Should...
Day of the Parasite
04.30 Wednesday morning. I turn out the light and go to sleep. 06:38am, I'm woken by a text...
The Hashish War
Oslo, 12.45 am. I've just done a quick check on the street corner. Nothing. Usually there would be...
Oslo Politics
Last month there was a local election in Oslo, and it's amazing how the traditional left-right divide remains...