About a year and a half ago, artists Trond Arne Vangen and Frode Fivel completely changed our bar with cardboard and convincingly made it look like an old-fashioned bar with old-style wood furnishings. Now the duo are back with more cardboard, with a concept based on a banana box. I’ve got some photos here, which should show you (especially readers who have been here) how dramatic a change this is to the normal use of the space.
Here’s what a standard banana box looks like:
Trond Arne and Frode then built a giant one of these, and plonked it right in the middle of the bar, where it has become a kind of stage.
The DJs who are performing here are actually wearing cardboard dresses.
Trond Arne posed from the camera, ‘backstage’, behind the cardboard, and behind the cardboard costumes.
But he is not averse to trying on a cardboard dress himself.
Trond Arne will be performing with me in a special Dacianos performance, during the By;alarm festival 2009. The show is at Mir, Toftesgate 69, Oslo, 20 February, 8 p.m.
Premium Bananas Music Hall runs at Sound of Mu, Markveien 58, Oslo, until 1 March.