Blather North Podcast #2: Nødhavn
The scenario: Blather North's roving and raving reporter, Barry Kavanagh, attends a party at Mir in Oslo for...
Is there a ‘Norwegian sound’?
One of the things this blog has been is an introduction to Norwegian music for the unwary. But...
The Blather North Podcast
#1: Grunneier Part one of three. Blather North's roving and raving reporter, Barry Kavanagh, attends a party at...
Ireland Processed through a Norwegian Brain is currently being edited from Dublin (Ireland), London (UK) and Oslo (Norway). Needless to say, the North...
Penguins etc.
While my computer died and I was getting a new hard drive, a large number of North readers...
Oslo's massive outdoor summer music festival is called Øya, but the first night of the festival takes place...
One in Four
Recently Aftenposten reported that new statistics show that one in four people living in Oslo is a foreign...
Recent Art
I've been looking through my uploaded photos of recent art exhibitions and music shows we've put on. There's...
Closing Time for Spasibar (part 2)
A hilarious article has appeared in Dagbladet detailing the destruction that occurred on Spasibar's last night. Here's a...
The Innocence of Sleeping Children
She's back in the news! The 'psychic' Norwegian Princess Märtha Louise (pictured above). The controversy this time is...