Hanna er savnet (Hanna is missing) (updated)
This came by email last night; I've been asked to spread this. It's a missing girl in Norway,...
Norwegian Lesson
In order to improve my Norwegian, I've been translating some common English words and phrases for myself. Should...
Day of the Parasite
04.30 Wednesday morning. I turn out the light and go to sleep. 06:38am, I'm woken by a text...
Oslo Politics
Last month there was a local election in Oslo, and it's amazing how the traditional left-right divide remains...
Confusion over the Kjeller Incident
On 12 September, the environmental organization Bellona reported on their website that "The Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology...
North FAQ?
Random picture of me: singing with Dacianos in June 2007. Click for a larger one (a new feature...
The Psychic Princess (postscript)
So the Princess finally opened the angel school about a month ago. The teaching began in August, but...
The Psychic Princess (part 2)
I don't want to leave the subject of Norway's psychic princess Märtha Louise just yet. I'd like to...
The Psychic Princess
At last, something actually happens in event-shy Norway. Princess Märtha Louise, 4th in line to the throne, has...
I title this picture "Nature: bored." A bird flew into my hallway, looking for something different. The streets...