Month: March 2004
Aleister Crowley: The Musical
The latest musical revue from the Blather Productions stable... Blather Productions is proud to publish material from our latest show, Aleister Crowley - The Musical, an authentic 'Smash Hit' in the West End. This glorius occult revue features original music by the notorious Ragged Rag-Time Girls, and libretto by the award-winning socialite, Barry Lloyd-Kavanagh. And here now - in amazing technicolour, we give you snippets from some of these fantastic musical numbers: THE EARLY YEARS SONG ALEISTER: I was booorn in Leamington Spaaa You don't know how luck you aaare! I was booorn in 1875 It's a wonder how I surviiived: My family were Christian fanaaatics And my mother thought I was sataaanic! FAERIES: What happened then? ALEISTER: I went to Cambridge! FAERIES: Purpose? ALEISTER: Cultivate my genius! FAERIES: Achieved? ALEISTER: I published my own poems, And plaaayed an awful lot of chessssss! THE HOUSE PURCHASE SONG ALEISTER: I'm a...
Gulf War 2: Daddy’s crusade
Blather productions is proud to announce the DVD release of last years' smash box office hit, Gulf War 2: Daddy's crusade... The DVD will feature a full digital print of the original cinema release. In addition, the release sees a host of extras, including: Directors commentary by Donald Rumsfeld Actors commentary by Tony Blair, Jose Maria Aznar, Jacques Chirac, Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi Information Minister 45 minutes of deleted scenes including the infamous 'legless, armless Iraqi child in a pool of his own blood scene', the 'bombing of a packed hospital' scene and the full, uncut 25 minute sequence of Halliburton executives signing contracts in blood whilst snorting cocaine off the upturned arses of virginal Iraqi girls. The additional scenes have been reworked into the original cut to provide viewers with the full-on, dazzling spectacle of Shock and Awe as the most powerful nation on earth bombs defenceless civilians...
The 3rd World war: this time it’s ‘cos we can’t spell
It's the end of the world. No seriously, it is. From here on in, we will be positively reveling in the gobsmacking misery of the news and in true tortured leftie pretentiousness will be recording each new catastrophic fuck up in the laughably titled 'War on Terror' as it edges us closer and ever closer to our post-nuclear, dystopian, corporate controlled, hellish wasteland of a future. And another fucking thing: if you're gonna be so fucking stupid as to declare a war on a noun, then pick the right fucking one. It's called Terrorism. That's terrorISM. D'ya see? With an ISM on the end you dyslexic fucks. I mean what were you going to do? Round up all the scary movie directors as potential mass murderers? Should Wes Craven be expecting to have his door kicked in and have his sorry hack ass dragged off to Guantanamo fucking bay? I...
7 insane days… (In Valencia, Spain)
The following are, in no particular order of importance, some of the things I have seen over the last seven days or so in Spain: One Tuesday: Whilst coming out the front door of my apartment I was greeted with the site of a large lump of shit on the ground, with a very large firework sitting in it, the fuse hissing towards the explosives. I ran. The shit, quite literally, was flying. Two Friday: An estimated 1.2 million people cram the city centre, silently moving in droves upon droves. Hands painted white. Black ribbons on shirts. Banners calling Aznar, Bush and Blair, liars, murderers and war criminals. When you consider that the city has a population of less than 1 million people... Three Saturday: A crowd of 8000 angry Spaniards stand outside the PP office (the office of the Popular Party) screaming at the top of their voices, demanding...