Month: March 2005
BastardGate : the awful truth about Ireland’s single mothers
Last month's 'mutha' of all rows about single mothers led us to do some filthy hack work of our own. And did we what? now presents its' groundbreaking investigative report. Warning: some readers may find the contents of this report forcing them to burn Swatstikas into their foreheads.. Please note: This article is best enjoyed when accompanied by triumphal political music. You can hear some by clicking here » It's not often that we here at Blather own up to being wrong. In fact if you replaced the words 'not often' with the word 'never', you might be getting closer to the truth of the matter. We always suspected that the day would come. And lo, it has arrived. Steaming into the Blather station with the grim solmenity of a juggernaut full of chemical waste and about as welcome as a pin-prick in a durex, we found ourselves this...
Corkman goes three hours without mentioning Cork
'Outrageous and absurd' says Dublin Professor of History, Dr. Hummus Fitzgerald... Priceless historical documents, recently discovered in an ancient Cork family household, are shedding invaluble light on the later part of 18th century Ireland - the turbulent historical period which included the 1798 rebellion. The documents were discovered by chance, after a recent renovation project of the ancestral DeBarra home in north-west Cork. The find included letters, Last Wills and Testaments, legal documents and an early draft of the American Constitution. One of the documents included sensational revelations that a Corkman actually made it through just slightly over three hours without mentioning the word 'Cork'. Although the document has not been made available for public study yet, our contacts at Univeristy College Cork inform us that the document is a detailed description of events in 1798, during the violent rebellion and it's supression by the nefarious, moustache-twirling jackbooted scum of...