Christmas with Blather: More cautionary tales…
What NOT to do when chatting women up over the X-mas period... Another cautionary tale from the bowels...
Christmas with Blather: a cautionary tale
Okey doke. I decided I'd save this for a special occasion and seeing as it's christmas and the...
Spanish Wanker (wank the first)
Seeing as google are trying to censor us, this is my contribution to turning Blather into a seeething...
Urge to kill flatmate RISING
As dedicated followers (all two of you) of my adventures in Las Espanas will know, I got myself...
Meanwhile, over at Sky News..
The scene: A TV news studio in south London. Token Asian Presenter and Francis Tusa have just been...
The adventures of Dr. Archimedes J. Sparkplug – Part the first
Episode 1: The North-side Dublin party... Original text by Damien DeBarra and Conor Ryan. Theme music fades out...
The booze. The hangover. The horror.
I can't do this no more. I just can't. I quit my job yesterday and in a fit...
Big Brother, solitary confinement and choking the chicken
Ok. I admit it. I was at home alone. I was desperate. It was either watch Big Brother,...
An Army of Leprechauns
Taken from the 'never to be finished in a millenia of sundays' novel Mysterious Ways... Michael was having...
The Blather Guide To Being A Real Man
(image by yersinia, used under a Creative Commons license) The Blather guide to being a real man. Oh...