The Hellfire Club Tunnels and Caves, West Wycombe
In yet another episode in a never-ending series, blather.net returns to the lair of the English Hellfire Club...
There is a mutant in my kitchen
Ghosts, UFO's and angry ex-girlfriends. I've dealt with them all. But, nothing could have prepared me for *the...
Wheelie bins of the apocalypse
Sent in from our western correspondent' (a.k.a. Sue) There have been many incredible developments in the rain swept...
Blather’s Express Tours. See Ireland at High Speed!
By our satirist-at-large, Elimare... Welcome to Blather's Express Tours, the quickest way to see the sights! BET is...
7 insane days… (In Valencia, Spain)
The following are, in no particular order of importance, some of the things I have seen over the...
Christmas with Blather: More cautionary tales…
What NOT to do when chatting women up over the X-mas period... Another cautionary tale from the bowels...
Christmas with Blather: a cautionary tale
Okey doke. I decided I'd save this for a special occasion and seeing as it's christmas and the...
Urge to kill flatmate RISING
As dedicated followers (all two of you) of my adventures in Las Espanas will know, I got myself...
The booze. The hangover. The horror.
I can't do this no more. I just can't. I quit my job yesterday and in a fit...
Leather Suits
The ectasy of Irish motoring and spelling mistooks... Was driving to Galway last Friday... between Kilcock and Enfield,...