Holy Sh*t discovered in Jerusalem
Archaeologists made an astonishing announcement today... Archaeologists made an astonishing announcement today, claiming that fragmentary samples of human...
Dogs in Space
Walsh sends the family dog into space... My parents have a dog. She is an astronaut. Say hello...
Irish Prime Minister Bertie Stalked by Hairy Students
Hirsute stalkers are driving the Taoiseach spare! God, I love living in a democracy! I really do! I...
Spammers Find New Market in Female Surfers
Just when you hoped that penis-enlargement spams were on the wane, a whole new idea arrives... vaginal enlargement!...
The Third Policeman’s Sauna?
I was re-reading Flann O'Brien's The Third Policeman all week. All of a sudden, police stations get weird......
Britney’s Breasts: Mysterious Breast Appears At Ireland’s Catholic Grottos
Thousands of pilgrims make now rushing way to grottos around Ireland. Moving statues, virgin marys - we're used...
Clontarf based Science Team Find ‘The Clitoris’
A team of elite adventurers, maverick scientists and fornicating bloggers have shocked the scientific community today with a...
Christmas with Blather: More cautionary tales…
What NOT to do when chatting women up over the X-mas period... Another cautionary tale from the bowels...
Christmas with Blather: a cautionary tale
Okey doke. I decided I'd save this for a special occasion and seeing as it's christmas and the...
Spanish Wanker (wank the first)
Seeing as google are trying to censor us, this is my contribution to turning Blather into a seeething...