UFOs and Ufology: the First Fifty Years by Paul Devereux and Peter Brookesmith

Paul Devereux & Peter Brookesmith - UFOs and Ufology: The First Fifty Years

Paul Devereux and Peter Brookesmith

UFOs and Ufology: The First Fifty Years (Amazon.com)

UFOs and Ufology: The First Fifty Years (Amazon.co.uk)

It was with some hesitation that I chose to purchase Paul Devereux
and Peter Brookesmith’s ‘UFOs & Ufology’. I had read Bob Rickard’s
review in Fortean Times 106, where he gave it an ‘Excellent’ rating,
and I have deep respect for both authors – I’ve cited Devereux’s
endeavours in Blather before. But when I went to pay IEP£20 for their
new publication, I was a little taken aback. I held in my hand a
‘coffee table’ sized tome, with an almost abstract rendition of
‘extra-terrestrial’ in front of a saucer. ‘Potboiler’, I muttered,
and left it down. Eventually, after a few minutes thumbing through
the pages, pacing and beard stroking, I was away with a copy under my

Apparently you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. I didn’t – I
bought ‘UFOs & Ufology on the strength of the authors’ previous work.
However, I hope that people do buy this book because of its cover –
because if they buy it hoping for yet another reassurance of the
reality of flying saucers and alien visitation, perhaps they might
actually learn something.

The authors trace UFOs from their earliest historical mentions,
discussing their meanings in different cultures, right up to
describing how and why ‘flying saucers’ suddenly made news in 1947.
put forward their own theories, and still have room to explore the
various hypothesis outside their own ideas. Any Roswell believer who
doesn’t have questions raised for them by the chapter on *that*
alleged incident needs a boot in the ear. The tenuous links between
crop circles and UFOs is explained, and the abductionists, such as
John Mack and Budd Hopkins are heavily criticised, but not without
well expressed reasons. Devereux’s own field — earthlight research
— is clearly explained, as is its relationship to the overall UFO
phenomenon. While the authors pull no punches, they are not
dismissive either. They never debunk the idea of extraterrestrial
life, yet do a damn fine job of explaining why there is yet little
evidence to support it.

Probably the best overview of the UFO phenomenon that money can

– daev

Also see: Paul Devereux’s website

Chief Bottle Washer at Blather
Writer, photographer, environmental campaigner and "known troublemaker" Dave Walsh is the founder of Blather.net, described both as "possibly the most arrogant and depraved website to be found either side of the majestic Shannon River", and "the nicest website circulating in Ireland". Half Irishman, half-bicycle. He lives in southern Irish city of Barcelona.