Movies & TV/April 25, 2006/barry/2302 views Oh my fucking godPac Man the Movie barryBarry Kavanagh writes fiction, and has made music, formerly with Dacianos. Contact him here. previous articleSectarian Ice Creamnext articleGiant Ancient Pyramid Found In Bosnia ? 6 comments i mean come ON… indeed I really don’t understand why my comments get deleted sometimes. I swear I wasn’t posting any pr0n this time. Really! *sniff* Oh, now it seems to work again. Anyway, I just wanted you to see this amazing Mexican theatre adaptation of PacMan: Oh, and make sure to watch “Pac Man Re-Enacted By Humans†too: Have you actually seen the trailer yet? Comments are closed.
I really don’t understand why my comments get deleted sometimes. I swear I wasn’t posting any pr0n this time. Really! *sniff*
Oh, now it seems to work again. Anyway, I just wanted you to see this amazing Mexican theatre adaptation of PacMan:
Oh, and make sure to watch “Pac Man Re-Enacted By Humans†too:
i mean come ON…
I really don’t understand why my comments get deleted sometimes. I swear I wasn’t posting any pr0n this time. Really! *sniff*
Oh, now it seems to work again. Anyway, I just wanted you to see this amazing Mexican theatre adaptation of PacMan:
Oh, and make sure to watch “Pac Man Re-Enacted By Humans†too:
Have you actually seen the trailer yet?