News just in from Greenpeace in the UK, where a bunch of orang-utans have taken over Nestlé headquarters!
Nestlé, maker of Kit Kat, uses palm oil from companies that are trashing Indonesian rainforests, threatening the livelihoods of local people and pushing orang-utans towards extinction.
We all deserve to have a break – but having one shouldn’t involve taking a bite out of Indonesia’s precious rainforests. We’re asking Nestlé to give rainforests and orang-utans a break and stop buying palm oil from destroyed forests.
The above YouTube video has been pulled – due to a complaint by Nestlé. Oops, are they sore, or what? You can read Christian’s great blog about it here.
Here’s the Vimeo version.
Have a break? from Greenpeace UK on Vimeo.
And you can download the entire video here. Spread it wide!
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