Nestle: Palm Oil and the Orang-utan – viral video banned!

News just in from Greenpeace in the UK, where a bunch of orang-utans have taken over Nestlé headquarters!

Nestlé, maker of Kit Kat, uses palm oil from companies that are trashing Indonesian rainforests, threatening the livelihoods of local people and pushing orang-utans towards extinction.

We all deserve to have a break – but having one shouldn’t involve taking a bite out of Indonesia’s precious rainforests. We’re asking Nestlé to give rainforests and orang-utans a break and stop buying palm oil from destroyed forests.

The above YouTube video has been pulled – due to a complaint by Nestlé. Oops, are they sore, or what? You can read Christian’s great blog about it here.
Here’s the Vimeo version.

Have a break? from Greenpeace UK on Vimeo.

And you can download the entire video here. Spread it wide!
Take Action

Chief Bottle Washer at Blather
Writer, photographer, environmental campaigner and "known troublemaker" Dave Walsh is the founder of, described both as "possibly the most arrogant and depraved website to be found either side of the majestic Shannon River", and "the nicest website circulating in Ireland". Half Irishman, half-bicycle. He lives in southern Irish city of Barcelona.