‘Seven in 10 Americans believe that Iran currently has nuclear weapons, according to a new national poll’ says CNN.
This despite denials about the existence of an Iranian nuclear weapons programme by the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is safeguarding all of Iran’s nuclear material.
This also despite all of the United States’ intelligence agencies consistently saying that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons programme (pdf).
Yes, it has been only politicians and their media who say Iran has a nuclear weapons programme. Iraqi WMD all over again, and the majority are falling for it. But now the IAEA has a new chief, Yukiya Amano, who may prove to be more compliant with LYING PROPAGANDISTS, as there is now, suddenly, a change in tone in the message coming from the IAEA, with a leaked report containing ‘concerns about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile’ – but concerns based on what? ‘Intelligence reports’ from unnamed ‘U.S. allies’. I wonder who they could be? And who leaked the report to the media? And who was behind the forgeries two months ago? Who wants war with Iran? Who, who, who? Oh, I’m racking my brains here.