Simpsons with live actors
See the Simpsons with live actors on YouTube
Oh my fucking god
Pac Man the Movie
The Pink Army
The Pink Army is a group of soldiers fighting for the right to a different perception of reality.
What Future? Street Children in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Human Rights Watch have published a report entitled What Future? Street Children in the Democratic Republic of Congo,...
THAT Serge Gainsbourg – Whitney Houston interview can now be seen on YouTube
Yes, THAT notorious "I want to fuck you" interview! Watch.
Beer flows from house taps in Norway
"A woman thought she was in heaven when beer instead of water flowed from the taps in her...
Boing Boing Ban
SmartFilter, a product from a Silicon Valley company, Secure Computing, has been used to block "Locked-out readers...
Rent a German "offers a wide range of Germans for your personal and social needs.You can select the German of...
The Mohammed Cartoon Network
There's been uproar in Scandinavia over cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in a Danish newspaper, reprinted in Norway....