Worlds Oldest Pot Noodle Discovered
Scientists have unearthed evidence that the student culture has a deeper rooted historical ancestory than was previously believed....
More Ghost Hunters Arrested At Danver State Insane Asylum
Amateur ghost hunter Matthew Doherty said he heard swirling noises and faint screams on the grounds of Danvers...
Orphaned Hippo Adopted By 100 Year Old Tortoise.
Auh ! A baby hippopotamus that survived the tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast has formed a strong...
Rocket Racing
Hey Kids, don't worry about global warming ! Sure the planet will be trashed and all the land...
Tubby Sea Lions Sink Boat
Like a gang of drunkards on a night out in Temple Bar, sea lions are marauding through Newport...
Man’s bad dress sense sets carpet on fire.
An Australian man built up a 40,000-volt charge of static electricity in his clothes as he walked, leaving...
New Video Footage Reveals Trawler Damage To Irish Coral Reefs
Researchers have released the first ever video footage of spectacular cold-water, deep-ocean coral reefs, found off the coast...
Parasites brainwash grasshoppers into death dive
A parasitic worm that makes the grasshopper it invades jump into water and commit suicide does so by...
Most research papers are wrong – says new research paper
John Ioannidis, an epidemiologist at the University of Ioannina School of Medicine in Greece has produced research showing...
Computer game crime bags real money.
Gone are the innocent days when the worst you could expect from playing computer games was sore thumbs...