Fish You Shouldn’t Eat
A list of those fish which are being overfished or caught using wasteful or destructive fishing methods. Keep...
New Video Footage Reveals Trawler Damage To Irish Coral Reefs
Researchers have released the first ever video footage of spectacular cold-water, deep-ocean coral reefs, found off the coast...
Monsanto Patents Pigs!
"The Earth is flat, pigs were invented by Monsanto, and genetically modified organisms are safe. Right. "Geneva, Switzerland...
Weed discovery brings calls for GM ban
...the results showed that a related weed had picked up herbicide resistance as a result of cross-fertilisation with...
Give Bottom Trawlers The Finger!
From Greenpeace: What does the high seas bottom trawling industry think of protecting deep sea life like ancient...
Greenland glacier almost triples speed
Greenland glacier almost triples speed in less than two decades "Dramatic discovery" confirms scientists' predictions of accelerated impact...
Mr & Mrs Smith – and Fossil Fuels
George Bush, Tony Blair, and a motel room. Who knows what might happen? Download the movie (note the...
Amazon destruction accelerating
Soya loving vegetarians are destroying the rain forest ! Just under half of the deforestation occurred in Mato...
Close nuclear leak plant for good, says Sellafield
Thorp reprocessing should never be restarted - boss The owner of the Sellafield site in Cumbria, the Nuclear...
Chernobyl 19
You wouldn't know it from looking at the news, but the Chernobyl disaster took place 19 years ago...