Fear and Loathing in Lapland
News from the Forest Rescue Station: "Our local forest expert, Jarmo, has been receiving death threats! Jarmo got...
Iceberg On The Move
The huge B15A iceberg is on the move in the McMurdo Sound in Antarctica. (Brought to you by...
Planet Earth Does Not Supply Credit
A report backed by 1,360 scientists from 95 countries - some of them world leaders in their fields...
No Arctic Ozone Hole, Says Odin
But What Does Thor Say? Sorry Folks: Its Just A Fortean News Headline Not A Hotline To Asgard....
36 times the legal limit!
AIR emissions from a Shannon-based plant contained 36 times the legal limit of a suspected cancer-causing substance, a...
Stop pulping the Sámi reindeer forests!
The Sámi reindeer forests of northern Lapland are being pulped by the Finnish State controlled paper giant, StoraEnso....
Record number of whale & dolphin strandings in UK
The number of whale, dolphin and porpoise strandings has more than doubled in the UK in the past...
Stand up against death threats to Bulgarian activist
A Greenpeace activist and leading nuclear opponent in Bulgaria, Albena Simeonova, has received death threats due to her...
Irish and British seas are seriously ailing
Richness of our seas 'being systematically destroyed' (Brought to you by Zeitgiest - the free Blather news service)...
Save the Castlemill Boatyard! Sign!
The Castlemill boatyard is under threat... (Brought to you by Zeitgiest - the free Blather news service) ********...