On the web
Nigerian government warns citizens to watch out for conmen in the UK
Nope. That headline is not a piss-take. It's real. The Nigerian government have issued a warning to it's...
3-D desktop? I want one. Now.
I use computers all day. And not a day goes by when I don't roar great, Godless profanities...
Pirate Bay popularity grows as a result of raid
Yarrr! Swedish authorities raided the offices of The Pirate Bay - the web's most infamous bit-torrent portal -...
Are you dark sided?
This must surely be one of the most frightening things to come across the zeitgeist news desk in...
Dublin is the loneliest place on earth
I have to say I find this a little odd. As somone who grew up in Dublin I...
Yaaarrr! Yorkshire medical terms
Ay UP! This is either one of the most elaborate fakes I've come across recently or another prime...
Fuckwit phenomenon
Remember the "miserable failure" phenomenon? Well, here's some similar fun. Go to www.google.co.uk and type in: fuckwit British...
The Pink Army
The Pink Army is a group of soldiers fighting for the right to a different perception of reality.
Boing Boing Ban
SmartFilter, a product from a Silicon Valley company, Secure Computing, has been used to block BoingBoing.net. "Locked-out readers...