On the web
Rent a German
Rentagerman.de "offers a wide range of Germans for your personal and social needs.You can select the German of...
The Irish Olympic Bid
A damned fine idea this one. Climate change will eventualy smother Ireland in another Ice Age, forcing us...
Google stand firm with US government
Possibly the most interesting news story of the day regards that plucky little start-up known as 'Google'. Apparently...
Skangers on Wikipedia
"Scanger or skanger is a derogatory term for the stereotypical member of a youth subculture group in Ireland...
Man buys imaginary building for $100,000
Do you think the price of housing in Dublin is terrible ? Do you think we got diddled...
What every little revolutionary needs.
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, whom critics accuse of trying to introduce communism in Venezuela, has been modeled into...
Lose weight with Aids
God bless TV. It really is a hoot. Especially old, vintage TV when family values, good clean cooking...
It puts the lotion in the basket!
An ingeniously clever idea: take a famous line from a famous movie, write a song using that line...
German barmaids told to cover their hooters
That's it. We've officially had enough. First it was the bananas that weren't too straight. Or too bendy....
Inflatable pubs – we want one
Ok. If you should be feeling extraordinarily generous anytime soon and you have that overwhelming feeling that you...