Stop forgetting about the hexagon on Saturn!
A year ago NASA's Cassini filmed a bizarre hexagon on Saturn. Have you all forgotten about it?!?
How to Forge Biometric Identification
Back when I lived in London, Dr. Ben Goldacre was one of those people I'd bump into in...
Surfer’s 248-Dimensional Universe
"An impoverished surfer has drawn up a new theory of the universe, seen by some as the Holy...
Is The Earth Still Growing?
I'll freely admit that I know bog all about geology and plate tectonics, but this is an intriguing...
TV Station Press Release Serves as Scientific Evidence
From "The popular press ran a story...about the eventual split into two species of the human race....
Plague from Outer Space Will Engulf the Earth and Kill Us All!
"September 15, 2007, a chondrite meteorite crashed near the village of Carancas in the Desaguadero District of Chucuito...
The Great Ipod Shuffle Conspiracy
Ok, any of us that are Itunes or Ipod users know the story - how on some days,...
Our Galaxy is about to collide with Andromeda!
In case you didn't know, in a mere 3 billion years, the Milky Way and Andromeda, both spiral...
Water power?
Now this is interesting. With half the planet going apeshit over climate change and the escalating prices of...