For auction: Severed head of genital disease saint (1)
"Severed head of genital disease saint for sale in Ireland" reads the headline in the Belfast Telegraph -...
The Cunt Colouring Book
Found in a second-hand San Francisco bookstore. Read the whole book here.
Irish Catholic Church Sets Up Premium Rate Sex Line for Priests
Well, Holy God. It's not often we hear news that truly gobsmacks us here at Blather High Command,...
Porn movie stops traffic in Moscow
I'm sure it would stop traffic anywhere - in Moscow, hackers got into the biggest video advertising screen...
Isabella Rossellini’s Green Porno
Ah, Isabella Rossellini. I've had a crush on her for years. And her mum, Ingrid Bergman too. Isabella...
Canadian school board uses ‘psychic’ to claim Autistic girl is being sexually abused
And they say educators don't care... 'On May 30, Leduc picked Victoria up from school, where she's enrolled...
Ultimate Antarctic perversion: Fur seals and penguins have sex. Sort of.
Worried looking penguin. Get high quality version: Lonely Adelie Penguin - Pygoscelis adeliae , originally uploaded by blather....
‘Good Clean Love’: Lubricants for the ethically-minded
Fond of having a roll with the missus? Worried that the by-products of your ceaseless rutting are leaving...