Thomas Truax Auctions Wild Jane
You may remember the Thomas Truax interview on Blather, that guy who builds his own instruments. Well, if...
Barack Obama – the Aaron Sorkin President
46 years old. $75 million in the bank. 25 points down. This is Barack Hussein Obama, Democratic candidate...
“The 9/11 hijackers came into the United States from Mars.”
Yes, this is about September 11. And yes, the planet Mars is meant. Of course, *anyone* can edit...
Billy Connolly’s Bullshit Tour Of Scotland
Comedian Des McClean's re-boot of Billy Connolly's 'World Tour Of Scotland' +More+ Des McClean
Blather and Netvibes present the ‘Blatherverse’
So as to prove that we're not a bunch of ageing luddites and are, in fact, down with...
The I-35W bridge in Minnesota, the Mothman and Lauren Coleman
Loren Coleman, of Cryptomundo has penned an intriuging piece about the recent collapse of the I-35W bridge in...
Absurdly Fat Australian Corpses Are ‘Health Hazard’
A report published in the Medical Journal of Australia is claiming that as high a number as 75%...