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Photographs from Komiza, the island of Vis, Croatia

Cannon in Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

A couple of weeks ago I visited the town of Komiza on the island of Vis, off the coast of Croatia. One the of least-populated bigger islands in Croatia, it doesn't have the hordes of tourists that other places - like Hvar - are inundated with Italian tourists.

The quayside of Komiza is lined with 16th and 17th century Venetian-style buildings, and elaborate looking if rather stocky 16th century castle which has a fishing museum inside. Outside the town there are loads of little coves and beaches, and a Benedictine Monastery.

Interestingly, while I was sitting on one of the beaches, I finished reading
Eastern Approaches by Fitzroy McClean, which includes an account of the setting up Allied bases here during World War II, and the established by the Yugoslavian partisan leader of a HG - in a cave high up on the side of Mount Hum!

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Town of Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

Town of Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

Benedictine Monastery near Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

Beach near the town of Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

Barbed wired fence, near town of Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

Barbed wired fence, near town of Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

Boat on beach, near town of Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

Broken down truck, near nown of Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

TheTown of Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

Town of Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

The Kastel (Castle), town of Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

The Kastel (Castle), town of Komiza, Island of Vis, Croatia

Comments (1)

Chris Simich:

You have some very nice pictures of Komiza. It's nice to see it again. Do you happen to have any more pictures of the houses?

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