Inky fingers means tourist…
From BBC News
Visitors to the United States will soon be fingerprinted and digitally photographed under a new hi-tech security system, a top US official has said.
Not news to me. I’ve been working in biometric-related business for the last year, and it’s definitely happening. However, it only effects visitors who require a visa to enter.
More as it happens.
Update 14th January 2004
Well, it has happened. And it’s getting crazier….
The Irish Government position on the matter »
European Biometric Forum »
‘The overall aim of the project is to ensure the secure, user-friendly, socially acceptable and ethical use of biometrics in Europe.’
And then there’s the passenger prescreening system, CAPPS II
…EU Commissioner Bolkestein for assuring us on December 16 2003 that European passenger name records would not be fed into the US computer assisted passenger prescreening system CAPPS II. Three weeks later the US-Department of Homeland Security officially states that personal data of European airline passengers are already being fed into that system for testing purposes.
Frits Bolkestein, Data Poodle »