Me: update

buildingHello everybody. There have been some changes in my life recently. In addition to my involvement in Oslo’s cultural life at Sound of Mu, I now have a second job, working part-time at Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI), the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. I work on the UN programme there, and it’s in this imposing building. I’ve also moved flat. I still live in the same building as Sound of Mu, but I have moved across the yard (or through the loft, depending on your choice of route) to another apartment.

The parrot moved out of the old place too, without having learned a word of Irish in the six months we lived together. In general he had a disdain for human language, preferring to imitate the sounds of telephones, seagulls, cats, dogs and fireworks. He has now moved to the countryside, to awaken a quiet neighbourhood.
What else? Well, I haven’t heard anything regarding my residency application yet.
Next week I’m donning my P.T.Barnum hat and organizing some live shows. The bands are:
Center of the Universe
Salvatore and Rollers/Sparkers play Mir, Toftesgate 69, Oslo, at 20.00 on 21 April, entry 50kr
Center of the Universe and Rollers/Sparkers play Sound of Mu, Markveien 58, Oslo, at 20.00 on 22 April, entry 50kr

Barry Kavanagh writes fiction, and has made music, formerly with Dacianos.

Contact him here.