Our Band from Dublin

kevin%20and%20bryan.jpgSorry if I’m a day late with this blog! Yesterday I was still deeply occupied in organizing Oslo concerts for the very original Irish alternative pop/rock act Si Schroeder. Although Si is one man, he plays with a band, and here you can see his companions in sound, Kevin the keyboard player and Bryan the flame-haired drummer, having breakfast in my yard like the merry men they are.

Following a formula I’ve used before, I put the Schroeders on at Mir with Norwegian instrumental rock gods Salvatore on Saturday night, and teamed them up with a magical folk/electronic Metronomicon act called Ergo at Sound of Mu on Sunday night, performing under the Egil Martin Kurdøl installation.
Introducing a band that’s unknown to Norway can be a little like fixing up a blind date, but there was so much mutual charm it was fantastic. Seeing young people enthusing about Schroeder’s music was wonderful, and similarly it was great to hear the band enthuse about Oslo in comparison to their experiences performing in Berlin, Paris, New York and Chicago.
Another great thing it was an excuse for my Norwegian colleagues to party like heaven for the three nights our guests were here! There’s not much to add to that. The sleepless experience has left me with great enthusiasm for the future.
For more information about Si Schroeder and the beautiful album Coping Mechanisms, have a look at the website of his record company, Trust Me I’m A Thief.

Barry Kavanagh writes fiction, and has made music, formerly with Dacianos.

Contact him here.