Counting Down to 22 January 2013

22 January. Free dog food to the 13th customer after 8.13pm, i.e. 2013 hours, a tribute to the year 2013 using the 24 hr clock.

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The 13th customer poses with her dog food. The crate at her right hand has a role to play tonight.
Essays written using random essay generators…
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…are placed around the room.
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A mysterious crate that’s been in the cellar for 50 years. At 2200 hours on 22 January, the box will be opened.
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A closeup of the crate and its mysterious hieroglyphics.
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2200 hours. The Devil has been nominated to undertake the opening ceremony. In his right hand, The Devil holds a hammer, with which to pry the crate open, Devil-style.
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…apart from this tiny piece of paper, 32 x 43mm.

Barry Kavanagh writes fiction, and has made music, formerly with Dacianos.

Contact him here.