Year: 2005


These photographs were taken in September 2005...


London: grim.


Infant grave, West Wycombe St. Lawrence Church


Frost on a tombstone at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Hurley, Berkshire All of these photographs were taken on a frosty morning - yesterday morning in fact, in the churchyard surround the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, in Hurley, Berkhsire, on the South Bank of the Thames, betwee Marlow and Henley.


Men on the hill More inside.... Photographs of the Stone Circles, Avebury » The pagan River Kennet shrine » Above Silbury Hill Neil, Damien, Mark - Prayer Flags at a new age shrine, source of the River Kennet Alyssa and Mark Inside West Kennet Long Barrow ... with a flash Neil and Damien, West Kennet Long Barrow Alyssa and Mark, West Kennet Long Barrow Up on top of West Kennet Long Barrow Silburu Hill, in the Distance The Devil's Den - Damien Escapes The Devil's Den - Mark Escapes


Somone throws fireworks into a fire barrel November 5th 2005 was the 400th anniversary of the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot - when Catholic extremist had a go at blowing up Westminster (now part of London, in England) in an attempt to kill James I, but were thwarted before the big bang. Strange as it may seem, the denizens of Albion celebrate this non-event. As a baptised but (col)lapsed catholic, and an Irishmen too, I felt it my duty to partake in the madness, and find out what all thisfine anti-popery was about. It was with a charabanc full of intrepid bonfire hunters that I arrived in Lewes, Sussex, where traditional 'celebrations' are held to commemorate both the Gunpowder plot and 17 Protestant martyrs who were burnt at the stake in the town during the Marian persecutions of 1555-1557. Every year the town goes mad - tar barrel racing, and...


Millbank Park, House of Commons, Westminster, London, photographed in the early morning, October 19th. That's the houses of Parliament etc. in the background. High resolution version »


As well as taking pictures of the Hellfire Club on Halloween, we also went running around the woods in the low November sunlight - perfect for photography streaks of light playing over moss, mushrooms, ferns, trees and toadstools. Here's some of the photographs. Want to see more?