Month: October 2008


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Grey Seal at Bull Island, Dublin, originally uploaded by blather. Young grey seal at Bull Island, Dublin. Usually the seals - common and grey - are pulled up on the sandbanks, but this day there was none to be seen, except for two that appeared i nth water, like big wet dogs, curious about the crazy humans. Bull Island is a UNESCO protected biosphere reserve. This one had gotten nervous of me and dived into the water, leaving the main group. It soon got courage and reappeared, flopped back up onto the sand again. Wikipedia: Bull Island »


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } The Hellfire Club, Dublin, Ireland, originally uploaded by blather. Ruined 18th-century hunting lodge on Montpellier Hill near Rathfarnham, Dublin, known as The Hellfire Club, where it is alleged that 18th century nobleman practiced satanism. This is one of photographs in my new book, Haunted Dublin. Haunted Dublin can be ordered from » See below for Launch Party plans! View the Haunted Dublin photograph collection on my main site » Haunted Dublin: Chilling accounts of the supernatural in the cityOnly €14.99 + P&P! AVAILABLE NOW! By Dave Walsh Introduction by Barry Kavanagh Paperback: 93 pages, including 40 photographs by Dave Walsh Published by Nonsuch Ireland Published October 2008  Haunted Dublin, by author and journalist Dave Walsh, gathers together in one succinct volume, well-known legends with rare...


St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, originally uploaded by blather. St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin - connected to various Dublin hauntings, such as that of John McNeill Boyd's faitful dog, and the ghost of Jonathan Swift, author of Gulliver's Travels. This is one of photographs in my new book, Haunted Dublin. Haunted Dublin can be ordered from » See below for Launch Party plans! View the Haunted Dublin photograph collection on my main site » Haunted Dublin: Chilling accounts of the supernatural in the cityOnly €14.99 + P&P! AVAILABLE NOW! By Dave Walsh Introduction by Barry Kavanagh Paperback: 93 pages, including 40 photographs by Dave Walsh Published by Nonsuch Ireland Published October 2008  Haunted Dublin, by author and journalist Dave Walsh, gathers together in one succinct volume, well-known legends with rare and chilling accounts of the supernatural in the city. With poltergeists and apparitions, lore, myth and the downright scary, this fascinating...


Haunted Dublin - the new book is out, originally uploaded by blather. Haunted Dublin: Chilling accounts of the supernatural in the cityOnly €14.99 + P&P! AVAILABLE NOW! €14.99+€3.50 post and packaging By Dave Walsh Introduction by Barry Kavanagh Paperback: 93 pages, including 40 photographs by Dave Walsh Published by Nonsuch Ireland Published October 2008 Haunted Dublin, by author and journalist Dave Walsh, gathers together in one succinct volume, well-known legends with rare and chilling accounts of the supernatural in the city. With poltergeists and apparitions, lore, myth and the downright scary, this fascinating work will delight and unsettle those brave enough to explore this hidden world. > iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;} _psEmbed(""); View the Haunted Dublin photograph collection on my main site » About Haunted Dublin Dublin is the perfect haunted city, with its narrow cobbled streets concealing layers of interwoven history and folklore, left behind by generations of...