Southern Giant Petrel – Macronectes giganteus

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Macronectes giganteus – Southern Giant Petrel. Giant petrels are aggressive predators and scavengers, which has led to the other common name they were known as, the Stinker.They look a bit like albatross, except for the tube nostrils on the top of their bill – albatross bills have the two tube nostrils opening seperately, further up. They’re still bloody big tho – this geezer has a 2m wingspan!

Another lucky shot – it’s almost pin sharp, when I look at it 100%. Settings:
Exposure:1/3200 sec
Focal Length:110 mm
ISO Speed:200
Exposure Bias:-2/3 EV

Chief Bottle Washer at Blather
Writer, photographer, environmental campaigner and "known troublemaker" Dave Walsh is the founder of, described both as "possibly the most arrogant and depraved website to be found either side of the majestic Shannon River", and "the nicest website circulating in Ireland". Half Irishman, half-bicycle. He lives in southern Irish city of Barcelona.