Year: 2008


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Malahide Castle, Co. Dublin, originally uploaded by blather. Download high resolution photograph of Malahide Castle » Malahide Castle is a Norman structure in north county Dublin, Ireland. et on 250 acres of park land in the pretty seaside town of Malahide, was both a fortress and a private home for nearly eight hundred years. The Talbot family lived here from 1185 to 1973, when the last Lord Talbot died. The house is furnished with beautiful period furniture together with an extensive collection of Irish portrait paintings, mainly from the National Gallery. The history of the Talbot family is recorded in the Great Hall, with portraits of generations of the family telling their own story of Ireland's stormy history. One of the more poignant legends concerns the...


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Harpist Brenda Malloy busking outside Trinity College Dublin, originally uploaded by blather. Download high resolution version » Harpist Brenda Malloy busking outside Trinity College Dublin. I took this photograph for a magazine in Washington DC., but was rushing to another meeting plus a friendly german man approached me to talk cameras.. I didn't get a chance to talk to the harpist, so I didn't know her name. However, I realised later that I had a contact on flickr that is a harpist, so I emailed her, hoping she might know the College Green musician. Typically, "Diogenes 24" on turned out to be the very person I'd photographed - Brenda Malloy!


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Shinjuku Skyscrapers - Sompo Japan Head Office, originally uploaded by blather. The 200-metre high Sompo Japan Head Office in Shinjuku's skyscraper district, with pedestrians crossing a bridge and two pigeons keeping watch. The building was completed in 1976 and designer by Uchida Shozo.


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } No Buñueling, please., originally uploaded by blather. This reminds me of Luis Buñuel's Le Chien Andalou » Warning sign on Tokyo Metro - Do your make up at home! From my experience of the crowds rush hour Tokyo, anyone who can do make up on the train deserves an award!


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Pachinko Players, Shinjuku, Tokyo, originally uploaded by blather. Pachinko Players, Shinjuku, Tokyo. The noise from theses places is incredible - I don't know how the people inside can deal with it. Seems like a bit of a national addiction! There are several kinds of pachinko machines and parlor regulations, but most of them conform to a similar style of play. Players purchase metal balls which are then shot into the machine from a ball tray with the purpose of attempting to win more balls. The pachinko machine has a digital slot machine on a large screen in the center of its layout, and the objective is to ge three numbers or symbols in a row - striking the jackpot.


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Shinjuku Skyline, Tokyo, originally uploaded by blather. "Join us in a clean, fresh environment featuring the invigorating Johnson and Murikami California Climate! (WE NEED YOU YOU you you you) Enjoy the numerous recreation areas and resorts such as the famous Elysium Crater Resort! Let our abundant man-made labour force cater to your personal needs! If you meet health and experience qualifications for the Offworld Emmigration Programs... the standard OPE short form... there's a place for you at Dominguez and Shimata Colonies. Press the button now! Give yourself a brand new world!" Bladerunner » Shinjuku Skyline, Tokyo's skyscraper district. I took this from a 12th floor apartment belonging to a friend. Shinjuku is Tokyo's ommercial and administrative center, housing the busiest train station in the world (Shinjuku...


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Parade with shrine during 2008 Kanda Matsuri festival, Tokyo., originally uploaded by blather. Parade with shrine during 2008 Kanda Matsuri celebrations, Tokyo carrying a golden mikoshi or shrine. While the parades during even numbered years are nowhere near the magnitude of the odd numbered years, these partipants - born in bred in Kanda (or central Edo, as Tokyo was once known), are known as Edokkos, and they are proud to be known as an energetic, high-spirited community. The festival is also known as Tenka Matsuri - the Shogun Festival. It is one of the three biggest festival in Japan.This festival was permitted to enter the Edo Castle (the Imperal Palace)in Edo period. During the festival lots of Mikoshi or portable shrines, are carried by crowds of...


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Braided river, Denali National Park, Alaska, originally uploaded by blather. Braided river, Denali National Park, Alaska In the central plain, seen from Polychrome mountain. A braided river is one of a number of channel types and has a channel that consists of a network of small channels separated by small and often temporary islands called braid bars or, in British usage, aits or eyots. Braided streams occur in rivers with high slope and/or large sediment load. Braided channels are also typical of environments that dramatically decrease channel depth, and consequently channel velocity, such as river deltas, alluvial fans and peneplains.


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Tolkat River, Denali National Park, Alaska, originally uploaded by blather. Tolkat River, Denali National Park, Alaska, a braided river of glacial deposits. Taken near the ranger station, having hopped off the shuttle bus.


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Get high resolution version: Mute Swan nesting on the Tolka River, Dublin, originally uploaded by blather. Look underneath the swan - you can see the eggs! Mute Swan nesting on the Tolka River, Dublin, near Ballybough Bridge or Luke Kelly Bridge, on the road to Fairview. Not sure if this was the male or female - they share the nesting work, tho the male usually stands guard while the female sits. The previous day I had seen both at the nest, but the light wasn't good. There was a batch of large eggs in the clutch - they produce around six eggs, sometimes up to ten or eleven. It takes about 35 days before they hatch - lets hope these ones will be safe from cats...