Low impact fishermen, Algarve, Portugal

Fishermen cleaning nets in Salema
Small-scale fishermen cleaning their nets, in Salema, Algarve, Portugal.

Seagulls waiting for their turn: Small scale, low impact fishermen cleaning their nets in #Salema, #Algarve, #Portugal. I wear a few different hats – one of them is as comms advisor to @ourfish which works throughout Europe, with other campaigning organisations to fight for a sustainable future for fishers, and for EU citizens.

Fishermen cleaning nets in Salema
Small-scale fishermen cleaning their nets, in Salema, Algarve, Portugal.
Fishermen cleaning nets in Salema
Small-scale fishermen cleaning their nets, in Salema, Algarve, Portugal.
Fishermen cleaning nets in Salema
Small-scale fishermen cleaning their nets, in Salema, Algarve, Portugal.

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Chief Bottle Washer at Blather
Writer, photographer, environmental campaigner and "known troublemaker" Dave Walsh is the founder of Blather.net, described both as "possibly the most arrogant and depraved website to be found either side of the majestic Shannon River", and "the nicest website circulating in Ireland". Half Irishman, half-bicycle. He lives in southern Irish city of Barcelona.