Arctic Iceberg arch in Kane Basin, Greenland
Iceberg archway in an iceberg calved from the 110km wide Humboldt Glacier, Kane Basin, remote north west Greenland.
Icebergs and low cloud in Kane Basin, North West Greenland
Arctic icebergs and low cloud in Kane Basin, North West Greenland
Snowing on the sunset at the mouth of Isfjord, Svalbard
Snowing on the sunset at the mouth of Isfjord, Spitsbergen, in the Norwegian archipelego of Svalbard.
Gyrfalcon, Fram Strait
Gyrfalcon, landing on a helicopter on the deck of the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise in Fram Strait
Sleeping dragon: Iceberg under cloud, Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord, East Greenland
Iceberg under cloud, Kangerdlussuaq Fjord, East Greenland
Humpback Whale, Sermilik Fjord, East Greenland
Humpback Whale, Sermilik Fjord, East Greenland
Melt River, Petermann Glacier
Climate change Greenland - Melt River, Petermann Glacier, Arctic
Narcissus: Polar Bear admiring its reflection
Polar Bear, Ursus Maritimus, on sea ice in the Lincoln Sea, Arctic Ocean, 82 degrees N 34, 61...
Petermann Glacier from above
Blue Melt River, Petermann Glacier, in remote northwestern Greenland, on Nares Strait.