A Load of Blather in Norway

A Load of Blather: Unreal Reports from Ireland and Beyond
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Norwegian readers be aware! The book I wrote with Blather.net’s Dave Walsh and Damien DeBarra is now available to buy in Oslo.
A Load of Blather: Unreal Reports from Ireland and Beyond is the first book by us that anyone has been nuts enough to publish. This ‘magnificent tome’ is a ‘great heaving cavalcade of paranormal events, superstitions, mysterious happenings, conspiracy theories, hordes of rampaging kangaroos in the Dublin hills, and the previously untold story of General Michael Collins’ forays into outer space’. Those interested in Norwegian culture will be fascinated to read about the infamous lake monster hunt that Dave Walsh was on in Telemark in 1998, as well as a re-hash of my opinions about the angel woman, Norway’s psychic princess.
Available to buy at:
Sound of Mu, Markveien 58, 0550 Oslo. Price 100kr.
Tronsmo, Kr Augustsgate 19, 1064 Oslo. Price 99kr.

Or directly from us for 9.99 euro, via paypal:

Barry Kavanagh writes fiction, and has made music, formerly with Dacianos.

Contact him here.