Tag: fine gael


Dear Nuala, Many thanks you for your very detailed letter, the knitted scarf, the scone with a currant resembling Our Lady, the portion of holy water from your trip to Medjugorje in 1986 and most of all, for the beautiful medal of St. Gobshine, minted especially for the millennium. I need all the help I can get in this election, particularly when it comes to answering the increasing volume of correspondence I now receive from concerned citizens groups such as yourselves and your Brie Party. I can't say that I have come across your group before now; but in relation to some of your concerns regarding the "unprecedented moral decline that is sweeping the country", I can wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment of "something needs to be done". I pray that if elected, I may contribute towards this. Having said that, I wonder whether some of your more energetic suggestions...