Ah, the ‘everyone else was doing it’ excuse, the latest in a long line of self-pitying proclamations from the Catholic Church since they were caught red-cocked covering up systemic child rape in Ireland:
‘CATHOLIC BISHOP of Elphin Christopher Jones has accused the media of being “unfair and unjust” to the Catholic Church through a concentration on the handling by church authorities of the clerical child sex-abuse issue.”Could I just say with all this emphasis on cover-up, the cover-up has gone on for centuries, not just in the church… It’s going on today in families, in communities, in societies. Why are you singling out the church?” he asked.’ – Irish Times.
Oh, it’s so, so unfair! Tell that to the victims, you dripping pile of shit. My tip of the day for Bishop ‘Christ’opher Jones: face facts, your weird, mystical organization raped children, covered it up, and would not co-operate with the investigation into it. Now is the time to be wholly penitent, not whiningly self-pitying, you heartless fuck.